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Everybody needs a time away

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

I heard you say.

  1. Every time I get in MY car, J has programmed the steering wheel and seat for him, which is fine….except when he showed me how to put it back to mine, he said, “just press two” ... Press two??? It’s MY bloody car. How about you press two??? I’m ONE not you.. most irritated… debating whether I should start a row over significance.

  2. Staying in a fabulous lodge... even have a moose head on the wall.. have named him Joshua… he’s not wearing a mask so will have to have words later.

  3. Great room feels like we are sitting in the lobby of the Grand California…half expecting Chip & Dale to appear any minute… whose got the fast passes?

  4. Guest book says Steph Curry and Bill Clinton…trying to figure out what my pseudonym is going to be… noodling on Robin Wright, up from Marin obvs.

  5. Gorgous hot tub under the pine trees... except discovered a whole crop of spider veins working their way up to my left buttock, which is working it’s way down.. stressful balancing act… if I pull my tankini bottoms down any further my glorious love handles will spill over… oy.

  6. Who the fuck cares? Tahoe -- the week of Bartles & James wine coolers.

  7. Needed to be in nature and have a change of scenery and quality cousin time…eavesdropping on their conversations.. can’t help kvelling a tad.

  8. Just discovered the Ritz is 40 mins walk.. my kind of hike… where are my gummies? At one with nature, me.

  9. Teenage girls deciding what colleges they want to apply to based on the kind of jeans the students wear.. apparently I have no idea.

  10. No idea… really? Can’t wait until you look back and ask us why we let you leave the house in mom jeans!


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